Sunday, September 12, 2010

I Think This Is Accurate


  1. A nice way to start a Sunday!

  2. You really gotta wonder just how oblivious these people are.

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Ooh, really? How? Where? When? Whyyy?

  6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  7. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  8. Well, damn. That’s a lot of wrong. How shall I atone? Chicken blood? Invisible turnips? Lots and lots of porn?

    Wait, I already have one of those.

  9. You've been getting in on the invisible turnips, too? Those things are awesome.

  10. I'm beginning to think DM works for a pay blog provider, because $9/month is starting to sound reasonable.

  11. I'm beginning to think DM works for a pay blog provider, because $9/month is starting to sound reasonable.

    That's...that's a disturbingly interesting idea. He only seems to hit Blogger, since Blogger is the only system that will annoy the shit out of the people trying to keep him away...

    Also, on a similar and exceedingly passive-aggressive note, I see you're still pointing at my old site on your sidebar. Pretend this is now me looking at you with a hurt expression, as if you've done something terrible to me.

    I dunno. It's Monday. My ability to be funny apparently doesn't work...

  12. "I'm beginning to think DM works for a pay blog provider, because $9/month is starting to sound reasonable."

    Yeah... I'm still too lazy, though. And a surprising amount of my traffic comes from people who are looking for more information on DM. (That, and the "Creation vs. Evolution is a stupid argument" post.) So, while he isn't exactly advertising for me, his screeds actually increase, rather than decrease, my readership.

  13. You don’t need a pay blog when you can just install Disqus for free in about 30 seconds, PF. ;-) All the cool bloggers are doing it. You don’t wanna be left out, do you? Do you? Huh?

  14. You don’t need a pay blog when you can just install Disqus for free in about 30 seconds

    I briefly considered that, but Disqus has been nothing but an annoyance to me, so I didn't want to inflict it on anyone else...

  15. Well then, there are plenty of other alternatives. Even, as much as I hate its lack of free CSS/HTML customization, allows you to blacklist users and keywords and so on. I still recommend Disqus as it works perfectly for me, but there are other commenting systems, such as IntenseDebate, CoComment (though that one’s tainted by being used by Vox Day), and etc.

  16. Lady alive, I loves me some invisible turnips too.


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