Thursday, June 10, 2010

Behind the Blockade

I am quite busy at work, so I thought you should see what life is like behind the blockade in Gaza. There is a reason people are trying so hard to break the blockade.

72% of the children and 42% of pregnant women suffer from anemia while 30% of children under 5 suffer from stunted growth which is most likely attributed to malnutrition. Over 80% of the population are reported to be food insecure (cannot afford a balanced meal) compared to 63% in 2006. Out of 9000 commodities (including food items) that were entering Gaza over two years ago, only 20 are ‘permitted’ today further exasperating an already catastrophic situation. 50 trucks a day are now allowed to enter Gaza compared to 200/300 per day. Malnutrition, needless to say, is increasing. The situation will certainly continue to deteriorate with Gaza experiencing a 24% electricity deficit coupled with rolling blackouts leaving children in the dark as long as 12 hours per day. Hospitals have reduced their services to only urgent care patients as their fuel supplies run dangerously low. Returning from Gaza, a member of the European Parliament stated, ". . .it is the civilians who suffer from the siege. Seeing the tiny premature babies in their incubators in Shifa Hospital brought that message home. Israel has been cutting electricity supplies to Gaza. If the generator this hospital was now dependent on was to break down, the 30 babies would die within half an hour."

No matter how many terrorists lurk in Gaza, none of them are under 5 years old, but that's who's being punished. I wonder how many of us, if faced with watching our children starve, would find pacifism so appealing.


  1. Returning from Gaza, a member of the European Parliament stated, ". . .it is the civilians who suffer from the siege.["]

    That's the thing about siege warfare: it's designed to do exactly that. If a city or castle builds walls to keep you out that are stronger than anything you can do to keep them in, it is also limiting itself to a particular geographic location. Cut off its supplies and make sure that it can't be relieved and it's really only a numbers game. First there's rationing, which always hits the civilians the hardest, since whatever is needed to survive goes to those defending the walls first.

    Eventually the siege is called off or the besieged run out of horses and rats to slaughter and get sick of starvation and the contemplation of cannibalism and surrender. But that's in a situation where the people have walled themselves behind fortifications of their own devising.

    It's something completely different when the besieging army builds the walls and sets the terms whereby surrender can be accepted. And the shitty thing about it is that Israel really hasn't set any terms. They just don't give a fuck. As long as the narrative is primarily about the horrible Hamas terrorists flinging rockets "unprovoked" in to Israel, the United States will continue pouring money in to Israeli coffers and continue looking the other way while Israel engages in acts of international piracy and terrorism and engages in genocide within its own borders.

    Hell, until Israel raided the flotilla there's a damn good chance that the average American didn't know that Israel was even blockading the Gaza Strip. Chances are that the average American still doesn't give a fuck and actually believes the, "They've just got to do what's necessary to defend themselves," narrative. Yeah. Defend themselves against that terrible army of starving toddlers.

    Fuck that. Hell, just...fuck.

    And apparently "Israel's treatment of the Palestinians" has now been added to "The BP oil spill" and "The continuing disregard for American ideals and laws shown by our elected officials" on the list of things I can't talk about without being reduced to a string of angry swears. Fan-fucking-tastic.

  2. It's okay. The reason I don't post too much on this is because simply reading about it, and I do that a lot, leaves me in tears, writing about it puts me into a high blood pressure rage.

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