Monday, December 13, 2010

It Ar Mai Birfdai!

When my niece was 5, she looked at the dog and apropos of nothing at all declared, "He's got no thumbs! All he's got are toes!" I imagine Newton felt the same way when an apple dropped on his head.

So, yeah, happy birthday to me. In lieu of presents, we will contemplate thumbs.


  1. it is your birthday! happy birthday to like, one of the top 3 bloggers on the planet!

  2. Cool, I got a promotion for my birfday!

  3. I was going to offer to peel grapes for you, since you are the Empress, but since you're celebrating your thumbs, it would kind of defeat that purpose.

  4. Happy birfdai!

    You are getting some well wishes at the old smrt forum too.

  5. Happy Birthday! Hope you have a good one!

  6. Happy birfday! And a poem:

    Birfdais are fun
    Birfdais are great
    Without any thumbs
    There would be no cake

  7. 2 years of birthdaysuit wishes:

  8. Happy birthday! May you have all the cake and ice cream you want!

  9. Ngā mihi nui me te aroha nui i tō rā whanau


  10. Congratulations on your continuing success at achieving immortality.

  11. i suck, being a day late! but!!! fine family tradition:
    hippo birdie two ewes!
    hippo birdie two ewes!
    hippo birdie deer ewe!
    hippo birdie two ewes!

    no, really - that's what we sing on birthdays :)


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