Friday, April 15, 2011

Girl Genius Discussion Friday - 4-15

(reposted for noobs) From now on, Friday morning will be Girl Genius discussion day here in Hell. Girl Genius updates Monday,Wednesday and Friday, so we can discuss the preceding week, and Girl Genius in general, on Friday.

This week we learned that Oublenmach is either the most insane or most sane person in Europa (it's a little hard to tell given the milieu), he has an unusual respect for mothers, and Oggie is in touch with his feminine side. Sort of.


  1. 1) If a movie is ever made of my life, I now want Oggie to star in it.

    2) There seemed to be fire behind the protector of the treasure vault, in one of the panels. Do you think the recent fire in der Kestle is related, or was the fire symbolic/artistic?

    3) I just remembered that we left a chicken caesar sandwich in the office fridge, and it's been there since Wednesday. This is unrelated. Except in that a Jaeger might still be interested when the fridge opens next, on Monday.

  2. 2) Was the fire *behind the treasure guard* symbolic/artistic? Not the fire we just saw actually taking place in der Kestle. You know what I mean, yes? Yes. good.


Comments are for you guys, not for me. Say what you will. Don't feel compelled to stay on topic, I enjoy it when comments enter Tangentville or veer off into Non Sequitur Town. Just keep it polite, okay?

I am attempting to use blogger's new comment spam feature. If you don't immediately see your comment, it is being held in spam, I will get it out next time I check the filter. Unless you are Dennis Markuze, in which case you're never seeing your comment.

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