I don't know about you . . .
Hundreds have seen the Virgin Mary in the sun.
Yes, I know, people see the Virgin Mary in everything from toast to trees, but this is different. For one thing, people can go blind looking for her. For another, this is the first time the Virgin Mary has shown us her vagina. Seriously, look at that picture. If that isn't a vagina, I don't know vaginas.
You go, Virgin Mary, Mother of God, show us the vagina from whence the Messiah the pushed. Awaken a new era of vagina positivity. Make bodily shame a thing of the past!
Here's a new Hail Mary for a new, letting it all hang out Mary:
Hail Mary, full of sex positivity.
Show us your vagina.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed are the labia which have touched the Messiah,
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for our pap smears,
Show us your vagina.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed are the labia which have touched the Messiah,
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for our pap smears,
and work towards free health care for all.
I can't see any hymen. This must be post-Nativity.