Saturday, March 19, 2011

I Keep Hoping I'm a Wizard of Some Kind

Just the other morning, I intended to make coffee, but made a pot of hot water instead. After figuring out that this was not some sort of clear variant of coffee (that took a good 2 minutes), I proceeded to stare at the pot of hot water for at least 5 minutes as if I might have developed a super power that involved turning a pot of hot water into coffee instantaneously- which is what I do every time this happens.


  1. "clear variant of coffee..." hahaha very funny

  2. Nice. This is the first time I've been exposed to Graphjam. I can now do proper spoof diagrams. Woo-Hoo!

  3. My particular trick is wondering if I'm keeping the tea water from boiling by staring at it. Eventually, I realize that I've turned on the wrong burner.

  4. LOL! Michael, I hope you don't burn your house down one day. My husband's favorite trick is, on the rare occasions he wants tea, to fill the kettle *all the way up* for one cup, and then wonder why it's taking so long to boil, when it boils after only a few minutes for me, when I'm boiling only for one cup.

    Also, my friend's husband, who is a physical chemist and knows all kinds of amazing things about the working and movements of chemicals (including water), is known to wait for pots to boil without their lids, and to get bent out of shape at said pots when they take so damn long.

  5. Ah yes. I call this phenomena the "Autopilot Fail". It occurs when you're doing a chore so routine you no longer have to think about it, freeing your mind to (in theory) concentrate on important and productive things, such as the most productive way to schedule the next few days, or (in practice) contemplate the many ways newborn kittens and military-grade hardware can be combined. I suppose you could just zone out and not think about anything, but then you'd miss out on the Kittenator (Duh-dun, dun, duh-dun).

    Your mind expects the chore to take x minutes, and it doesn't bother polling your sensory inputs until that time limit starts to approach, letting muscle memory take over and leaving the rest of it's processing power for the above-mentioned juvenile cyborg felines. This is why our mind generally responds so much quicker if the chore goes bad towards the end compared to if it goes bad at the start.

    I swear this is a totally true fact and absolutely not the result of me tuning out and letting muscle memory do the typing while I was thinking about realistic ways to give sharks the power of flight.

  6. Quasar is now officially my hero. You can share my Mad Science Lab any time.


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