Friday, September 11, 2009

Patriot Day

patriot day, glenn, beck, 912 project
I can't even think of an appropriate Patriot Day greeting. "Happy Patriot Day" is a little too upbeat for the rememberance of 9/11. "Merry" is out for the same reason. "Mournful Patriot Day" is more accurate, but has obvious problems. "Patriotic Patriot Day" is just stupid.

I don't really have much to say about all this. 9/11 affected me deeply, and does to this day. I live a few miles from an airport, so planes fly pretty low over my house all day, and 8 years later, this makes me very nervous. I cry when I think of some of the things I saw, live on the news, that day.

This does not excuse torture, Gitmo, or the deaths of a couple hundred thousand Iraqis. And Glenn Bek's* 912 Project? Inexcusable. Glenn Bek wants me to feel like I did on 9/12. I felt scared and sick and sad. Why would I want to feel that way again? Why would that be a good thing? Oh, yeah, because then the GOP could twist that into a fear of the black man in the white house and death panels and werewolves**.

Sorry, Glenn, I'm not going there.

*Glenn Bek- putting the "" in "oligarhy". Hat tip to the Accidental Historian.

**I'm fairly certain werewolves are next on the GOP's Fear Parade.


  1. ** Well, that's just stupid. Werewolves are awesome. Everyone knows that.

  2. werewolves are only scarey if the only thing you have read is the Laurell K Hamilton books, and then the fear is *really* that you are going to be terrified that a werewolf is going to fall for you, and you are going to end up having sex with a man with a 15" penis and OWOWOWOWOWOW!
    because, according to LKH, *all* were-everything somehow end up with POUS*, and it's just totally disgusting-yet-terrifying

    *POUS - like ROUS [Rodents of Unusual Size; Princess Bride FTW!) only speaking of penises, not rodents.


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