Thursday, September 3, 2009

Seems Like Thought

jesus, religion, witnessing, evangelism, belief, atheism, atheist
I do enjoy "and this is why you should believe exactly what I believe" speech, because they're always so incredibly stupid. Really, really stupid.

Well I will give you some things that make Christianity different from ALL other religions, although I’m sure this is the short list. well, there's that jesus thing . . .

1. Time itself is based on Jesus Christ. What does the year 2009 AD mean? Okay, a certain dating system is based on Jesus, but that's not time. Time is not the calender. These days, educated people use BCE (Before Common Era) and CE (Common Era), not BC and AD. Also, there are lots of other calendars. You don't hear about them much in the US, but off the top of my head, the Islamic Calendar (current year: 1430 AH), the Jewish Calendar (current year: 5769) and the Chinese Calendar (current year: Ox).

2. The Christian Bible is the most widely translated and widely distributed book ever to exist. So, if the Lord of the Rings becomes the most widely translated and widely distributed book to ever exist, should i start worshipping Gandalf?

3. Some of the predictions in the Bible have already come to pass. It is apparent that others also will. lulz.

4. The Bible has several different authors from different areas and times, yet it blends perfectly. that's amazing! it's almost like later authors were familiar with earlier authors' work . . .

5. Although is has been attempted, the primary truths within any version of the Bible have not changed. i'm not even certain what this refers to. is he saying that different translations have yielded similar results? is he a King James Only advocate?

6. More and more historical accounts in the Bible have been proven to be correct. "historical accounts"? you mean like, 40 years walking across a desert i could personally hobble my way across in less than a week? or the global flood that demonstrably did not happen? i wish this guy would link something.

7. Christianity is the only religion where the ONLY requirement is to accept what God has already done. so it's unique. yippee.

8. Because acceptance is the ONLY requirement, no one has any greater access than anyone else. it's egalitarian. i repeat my sarcastic "yippee", communist!

Yeah, I'm still an atheist.


  1. 4. The Bible has several different authors from different areas and times, yet it blends perfectly. that's amazing! it's almost like later authors were familiar with earlier authors' work . . .

    Also if by flows, they mean contradicts and overturns vast amounts of law or sins. Then they are exactly right.

  2. So, if the Lord of the Rings becomes the most widely translated and widely distributed book to ever exist, should i start worshipping Gandalf?

    Pfft. You stick with the old hairy magician. I'll stick to my dark overlord, Melkor.

  3. will give you some things that make Christianity different from ALL other religions

    Well that makes sense. After all, you wouldn't want to dwell on the similarities; they're pretty horrible.


    1: I only know about our calender, therefore we're right.
    2: Our book is popular, therefore we're right.
    3: Our book makes predictions which our book confirms happened, and other predictions we think are going to happen, therefore we're right.
    4: Our book was written by several different authors who had most likely read each others work and yet it makes perfect sense, just like the X-men series, and therefore we're right.
    5: Even though many people have changed the book, the book has never been changed. Therefore we're right.
    6: Our book was written in ancient times and gets many aspects of ancient times right, how would they know these things if they weren't inspired by god? Therefore we're right.
    7: Anyone can join. Therefore we're right.
    8: Anyone can join IN A LOUDER VOICE! Therefore we're right!


  4. First off, the Hebrew scriptures have been proven wrong on several historical and scientific accounts.

    1. No worldwide flood.
    2. Age of the Earth
    3. The Exodus did not happen

    The Christian scriptures are wrong or inconsistent on a few things too.

    1. The year of the census that Joseph and Mary were apparently required to go to.
    2. Different accounts of the death and resurrection
    3. Very different accounts of Christian belief from James vs Paul.
    4. Major disagreements between Peter and Paul.

    And more. Add to this the fact that Christians are the one's arguing about this book. While the rest of us treat it like The Iliad or The Odyssey; a nice read, some what historical, quite violent and bloody and by no means to be taken as moral advice or as truth.

  5. The Christian Bible is the most widely translated and widely distributed book ever to exist.

    I absolutely love this claim, because the instant counterpoint to it is to refer to #2 on that list and wonder aloud if we should all be Communists simply because Mao's Little Red Book is the most widely translated and widely distributed book on political ideology. They never have an answer to that one.

  6. I thought the Ikea catalog was the most printed book of recent times?

    All hail the inexpensive, flat-packed furniture!

  7. Not all educated people use CE and BCE. The The language is more secular but the distinction derives from the same sources as BC and AD.


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