Friday, September 18, 2009

No Racism Here, Nope, None at All

segregation, rush limbaugh, racism, obama, america,
There's absolutely no racism in the opposition to Obama. None. So you can imagine my surprise when I learned that Rush Limbaugh wants to bring back segregation.

LIMBAUGH: I think the guy’s wrong. I think not only it was racism, it was justifiable racism. I mean, that’s the lesson we’re being taught here today. Kid shouldn’t have been on the bus anyway. We need segregated buses — it was invading space and stuff. This is Obama’s America.

Do I need to explain exactly how wrong this statement is? And before you lecture me about "oh, don't pay attention to that old windbag, nobody else does", allow me to remind you that his show is carried on more than 600 domestic radio stations, and even conservative (not in the political sense) estimates of his audience are in the tens of millions.


  1. Saying this "angers me" is like saying nothing.

  2. I hate defending Rush Limbaugh, especially since I just bashed him for his idiocy yesterday. But if you look at the transcript, it was a sarcastic remark. He's not actually advocating segregated buses.

    " it was justifiable racism. I mean, that’s the lesson we’re being taught here today. Kid shouldn’t have been on the bus anyway. We need segregated buses — it was invading space and stuff. This is Obama’s America.”"

    Obviously he doesn't really think that the black kids beating up white kids was "justifable racism" because the black kids space was being invaded.

    Think Progress is about as reliable a source as Rush Limbaugh.

  3. i... i just...

    i mean, do Pete and i need segregated cars? can we not ride in a vehicle together? what about beds? (actually, that's a trick question - until my leg is all the way healed, Pete and i can't sleep on the same bed. we haven't been able to sleep in the same bed more than maybe once a month for over a year. but we ARE going to return to sharing a bed once i *can* share a bed)

    i would be willing to believe that Rush were *only* mocking the supposed suggestion that the "white kid" was being beaten up by the "black kid" because the white kid started it -
    except i KNOW for a fucking fact that Rush really truely does preach racism. (i don't know that he is, himself and PERSONALLY, racist. it's possible that he *just* preaches racism - like some people who know that they suffer from racism, so they spend a literal ton of effort to *NOT* sound or act racist, but only in reverse? i don't KNOW FOR SURE - but he sure fucking ACTS like a racists fucktard)

    so - i think he was just taking advantage of a story that *allowed* him to say "we should re-segregate busses" while hiding behind sarcasm that isn't actually there


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