Monday, October 18, 2010

Wear Purple on Wednesday

These children deserved better. Let's give it to the others who remain.

This Wednesday, please wear purple in support of the 6 LGBT teens who committed suicide in recent weeks. (Yes, this is real, not a Facebook meme.)

It’s been decided. On October 20th, 2010, we will wear purple in honor of the 6 gay youth who committed suicide in recent weeks/months due to homophobic abuse in their homes at at their schools.

Purple represents Spirit on the LGBTQ flag and that’s exactly what we’d like all of you to have with you: spirit.

Please know that times will get better and that you will meet people who will love you and respect you for who you are, no matter your sexuality. Please wear purple on October 20th. Tell your friends, family, co-workers, neighbors and schools.RIP Tyler Clementi, Asher Brown, Seth Walsh, Justin Aaberg, Raymond Chase and Billy Lucas. You are loved.

Join this event and invite everyone. Don’t let their deaths be for nothing. Let it mean something, and let’s do something to change this country for once.

Hey, it's a pretty colour and you'll be taking a stand. What could be better?


  1. Thanks for spreading the word PF. I know you and I and the other Comtesses are going to be looking lovely in amethyst. :)


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