Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Morality Recession

sally, kern, united states, theocracy, democracy, recession, stupid, bible, homophobia, homosexual, same sex, debauchery
State Representative Sally Kern (R) of Oklahoma is apparently all ten shades of crazy, as evidenced by her explanation of the recession. (Hint: it does not involve securitizing mortgages or lack of oversight of financial markets.)

The “Oklahoma Citizen’s Proclamation for Morality” includes this language about the Democrats and the president:

WHEREAS, we believe our economic woes are consequences of our greater national moral crisis; and

WHEREAS, this nation has become a world leader in promoting abortion, pornography, same sex marriage, sex trafficking, divorce, illegitimate births, child abuse, and many other forms of debauchery; and

WHEREAS, alarmed that the Government of the United States of America is forsaking the rich Christian heritage upon which this nation was built; and

WHEREAS, grieved that the Office of the president of these United States has refused to uphold the long held tradition of past presidents in giving recognition to our National Day of Prayer; and

WHEREAS, deeply disturbed that the Office of the president of these United States disregards the biblical admonitions to live clean and pure lives by proclaiming an entire month to an immoral behavior;

This isn't just crazy because she's blaming a recession on debauchery, it's crazy because most of the things on that list aren't even vaguely true.

The United States is not the world leader in abortions, Russia is. Russians have twice as many abortions as Usians. In the US, conservative states consume the most pornography, but Germany hosts the most online porn. As for same sex marriage, the US lags behind Belgium, Canada, South Africa, Netherlands, Norway, Spain and Sweden. I have no idea why she thinks the US leads in sex trafficking, but that's not even close to true. Approximately 600,000 to 800,000 people are trafficked across international borders each year, with 14,500 to 17,500 trafficked into the U.S.

Child abuse certainly occurs in the US, but we by no means rule the world in child abuse. The US does not engage in child labor, female genital mutilation, child marriage, nor do children serve as soldiers in the US.

Next on Kern's list o' teh crazee is the old saw about the US as a Christian nation, which I'm sick of dealing with, followed by the biblical admonitions to live clean and pure lives. I highly doubt Kern follows any of those admonitions aside from the one about homosexuality, and that's only because she happens to be hetero. Does Kern really not eat shrimp or pork? Kern never wears clothing made out of mixed threads? The list goes on and on, and I doubt Kern is familiar with any of it.

Two theocracy posts in one day. I live in the US, people.


  1. It is because she is bat shit crazy and the majority of her constituents are also bat shit crazy or can't speak English.

  2. Wait a minute, what month is dedicated to immoral behavior? Because I feel that I should be celebrating that.

  3. it was june, leigh. you missed out.

  4. "the biblical admonitions to live clean and pure lives by proclaiming an entire month to an immoral behavior;"

    I can't find this admonition in the bible? How do you how proclaim a month anyway?

  5. You've still got a few hours left; go debauch!

  6. Ok, I get that these intolerant people have their beliefs, as crap as they are. But do they have to be so darn mean about it? She lists same sex marriage with child abuse.... pathetic.

    But YAY for Canada. We've got a few things going for us.

  7. Logically, if a government promoting abortion and debauchery and homosexuality and so forth were the cause of the recession, Iran and Saudi Arabia would be the economic colossi of the planet.

    In fact, the developed country least affected by the recession has been Canada -- because it didn't deregulate its financial sector as the US and the EU did.

    Of course, I suppose all those gay weddings might have been a modest boost to the Canadian economy as well.

  8. WHEREAS, this nation has become a world leader in promoting abortion, pornography, same sex marriage, sex trafficking, divorce, illegitimate births, child abuse, and many other forms of debauchery; and

    Excellent analysis, as usual, PF.

    It never ceases to amaze me how right-wing Americans put their country atop the rest of the world in every single category, even "sinful" stuff.

    America, according to them, isn't only the kindest, richest, most advanced nation in the world. It turns out America also leads in drugs, abortions and same-sex marriage. Who knew?


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