Saturday, May 2, 2009

Next, I Suppose They'll Teach Children What Facism Actually Means

homophobia, homosexual, same sex, children, home schooling,
From the "how dare they teach my children about reality" school of thought comes this thoughtful rant.

Parents are being purposely excluded from multisexual issues in schools, as seen in mounting evidence from California school districts, the National Educational Association, and more.

“This is an effort to force parents out of the classroom. If it’s not this way in your school, it is only a matter of time before your school is confronted with efforts to exclude parents,” said Karen England, Executive Director of Capitol Resource Institute.

Kindergartners learn the definition of “gay,” “lesbian,” and “transgender.” Students learn about different kinds of families, including kids raised by a mom and dad, grandparents, and same-sex parents. In all age groups, the multisexual message is being woven into everyday instruction.

State law now mandates that schools accept homosexual, bisexual, and transsexual behaviors. San Francisco Unified School District explicitly interprets state law to mean that the district does not need to notify parents about many multisexual discussions in school curriculum and activities.

Amazingly, in real life, these same children may actually meet children raised by a heterosexual couple, grandparents or same sex parents. And the schools will not be teaching them how to effectively discriminate against the wrong sort of family. The horror!

The next thing you know, those schools will be teaching children about history and science and how to look both way before crossing the street. When will the liberal indoctrination of our children end?



  1. I taught my six year old about what Gay is just a few weeks ago in fact. It is a little late for it but I follow a natural progression for life lessons. I teach things when there is a good opening for discussion.

    Surprisingly even though we live in a gay friendly town it hasn't come up before. My daughter and I discussed it for the first time when she was five, but my son hadn't had any reason to be interested yet.

    Anyway we were walking at the market and a couple of young men were walking in front of us holding hands. This provoked no reaction at all from my son, presumably because he has never had any reason to think it unusual. The gentleman stopped by the fountain in the courtyard and gave each other a quick kiss. This did set my son to giggling, so I took the opportunity.

    We grabbed a couple ice creams and sat at a table. I explained to him that sometimes boys like to date boys instead of girls, he asked why and I said that it is just the way they are. He took that completely in stride. I also told him that sometimes girls were the same way. For some reason he thought that more interesting and said "really!" I confirmed it and he seemed perfectly fine with that too. I then told him that people like this are sometimes called gay and that was OK, but sometimes people use mean words for them and if he hears any words other than gay he shouldn't say them. I was expecting questions about this but didn't get any, we had already talked about people using mean words for people with different skin color and he apparently picked up that it was the same thing because he just said "OK I won't". His circle of friends is pretty multi-cultural considering how white our town is.

    I am sure we will need to revisit the topic as he gets older but I covered the basics.

    I haven't got to transgendered with him yet, I know he is going to have a lot of giggling with that one. With my daughter that was easy, we had a transgendered girl in our neighborhood about nineteen or twenty years old and she always walked past our street on the way to the bus stop. I had seen her several times but my daughter had not.

    The first time my daughter saw her she shrieked and said "Mommy, Daddy that boy is wearing a dress." Fortunately we were inside the car at the time. I laughed and said "yes honey he is, but I'm sure he would rather be called she." she wanted to know why so I explained to her that sometimes a boy feels more like a girl than a boy so he would rather dress like a girl and wear make up sometimes and be called a girl. She laughed again, so I told her that yes at first it seems a little funny but it isn't funny to them and it is rude to laugh or make fun. She knew all about not being rude, and straightened right up and said "OK Daddy I won't laugh." I told her that was good, and she seemed satisfied with the subject so I dropped it. Her last words were priceless and almost made me laugh, she said "It sure is a pretty dress" I stifled my laughter and said "yes honey it sure is"

    It has come up a few more times and she understands it better but it is a complex topic and I'm sure we haven't discussed it for the last time. She is nine now so in a few years she may have transgendered classmates and I want her to be ready.

    If all parents did this then we wouldn't need to teach it in school, but as long as there are parents who don't, teaching kids how to understand gay families or gay kids is necessary instruction.

  2. My only comment is: "multisexual"? Really?

  3. Look, if kids are educated about the different forms of families that can exist, how can they be shocked and bewildered when they come into contact with a family with a different structure than their own? Then when their parents go through a long and bitter divorce they won't be able to excuse their parents' reprehensible behavior by saying "oh well, at least mom and dad went for a traditional man-woman marriage before it all went to shit." They can have someone to sneer at and look down upon even in their suffering. Like Reconstruction-era Southern impoverished whites saying "oh well, we live in a shack and both my parents are shiftless alcoholics, but at least we aren't brown-skinned."

    Because it's all about false hope. Y'know, as long as you're the right color and/or orientation. So that kids of gay divorcees and/or impoverished black people recognize instantly that they are at the bottom of the social hierarchy and there's nowhere further to fall. So why not turn to a life of crime because no one expects any better of you.

    Oh, wait. I've gone and compared gay rights to civil rights for black people, like I keep hearing is unfair. Because being born black, which is obvious to anyone who looks at you, is totally different from being born gay, which is only obvious to anyone who takes the trouble to get to know you. Damn, being drunk makes me insensitive.

  4. This falls under that same old common sense: If you don't want your child to learn about the world, why are you sending them to public school?

  5. Don't forget that some of the kids in those classes, once they hit teenagerhood, will come to the realization that they themselves are gay or lesbian. Discovering that one is "different" is tough for any kid, but it's the ones whose parents are bigoted religious crazies who will have the most need for the foundation of actual knowledge and understanding about such matters that these schools are trying to provide.


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