Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Hoping for Suffering

hate, christianity, hell, atheism, atheist, bible, god, jesus,
Recently I've been getting a lot of anonymous trolling in the form of "I hope you atheists enjoy hell!!!! hahahahaha".

First of all, I will publish anonymous comments, if you include your screen name in the comment. I'm not asking for a copy of your birth certificate here, people. Just make up a name. Open up a dictionary and combine the first two words you see. Is it really that hard?

Secondly, you're seriously hoping that other people suffer? Really? When did that become moral behavior? The fruits I shall know you by are laughter at the thought of another person in eternal torment?

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. Against such there is no law.

Which part of love, joy, peace, longsuffering, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control is wishing eternal torment on someone- and then laughing about it?

Do you frequently walk up to people who annoy you in real life and sincerely wish that their appendixes (appendices?) will explode, poisoning them? Do you wish cancer on your neighbors that always park in your spot? Did you laugh when the little girl down the street was hit by a car?

What kind of monster are you? And what about your gleeful hatefulness should I admire and desire to emulate?


  1. I'd use 'appendi' it sounds fun.

    As for the troll...that's why they're called trolls. Don't feed them.

  2. "Do you frequently walk up to people who annoy you in real life and sincerely wish that their appendixes (appendices?) will explode, poisoning them? Do you wish cancer on your neighbors that always park in your spot? Did you laugh when the little girl down the street was hit by a car?

    What kind of monster are you? And what about your gleeful hatefulness should I admire and desire to emulate?"
    You're talking about the professional women-haters known as pro-"lifers", right? Like how they were concerned that HPV vaccine would cause promiscuity, the same way a tetanus shot makes people seek out rusty nails? Like how they'd rather girls get cancer than have sex?

  3. Given the news this morning, I've decided to prove I'm an apostate by wishing there was a hell for the likes of Donald Trump.

    Geezzz...so, Miss California gets a pass. Maybe it is not so bad. There will be more time for us to make fun of her, to expose her hypocrisy. More blog material. (Lorena rubs her hands.)

  4. Well, the theologian Tertullian said that one of the fun things about Heaven is that you get to watch the torments of the damned in Hell. I guess this sort of thing just appeals to their shriveled, pleasure-hating, holier-than-thou souls.

  5. You want to see a real love of seeing people suffer? The apocryphal book The Revelation of Peter.

    Verses 20 to 33 is all about how people are going to suffer in Hell. By how, I mean graphic descriptions of what will be happening to them.

  6. Verses 20 to 33 is all about how people are going to suffer in Hell. By how, I mean graphic descriptions of what will be happening to them.

    You'd be surprised how much of the Qur'ân consists of the same kind of material.

  7. Wow, what did Donald Trump do?


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Forever in Hell by Personal Failure is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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