Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Violating the Law of Gravity

ray, comfort, atheism, atheist, gravity, religion, jesus, god, bible, witnessing, evangelism, christian,
I have no problem with ignorance. I myself am ignorant on a large number of subjects. In fact, it would be fair to say that I am ignorant about more things than I am knowledgeable about. Most people are.

Normally, if I found an adult who had access to libraries and the internet who did not understand the law of gravity, I would simply feel sorry for them. Since Ray Comfort is, well, Ray Comfort, I have no sympathy. This is the man who makes a living, a very good living, mocking and demonizing atheists. This man has done more to spread hatred and bigotry towards atheists than anyone I can think of.

In The straw man that broke the camel's back, Ray displays his appalling lack of understanding of a subject infants are capable of understanding.

If a man jumps out of a plane and falls 10,000 feet to his death because he neglected to put on a parachute, he died primarily because he violated the law of gravity. Had he put on a parachute he could have been saved from its unforgiving consequences, but again, he died because he violated the law of gravity.

Actually, jumping out of a plane and then falling 10,000 feet to your death is an example of obeying the law of gravity. Jumping out of a plane and then floating there, or flying up into space would be examples of violating the law of gravity.

Of course, I called Ray on this, with my first comment, It is impossible to violate the law of gravity.

I expected Ray to respond with "You're missing my point" or "I misspoke, but you know what I meant" or something along those lines. No, he defends the ridiculous assertion that falling towards the earth is a violation of the law of gravity. (See picture above.)
PersonalFailure said... It is not possible to violate the law of gravity."

PersonalFailure...tell that to yourself the next time you fall off a cliff. :)

Again, he gives an example that demonstrates obeying the law of gravity as an example of violating it. Unbelievable.

I'm not saying that one need be educated in all subjects to speak to one, and if Ray spoke only to the tenets of his own religion, I'd leave it at that. But Ray frequently pushes creationist ideas and mocks actual science to prove his religious claims. It is insane that Ray's followers pay him millions of dollars a year to learn pseudoscience from a man that doesn't understand the basics of gravity.


edit: In the interim, Ray has changed the post to read The second fallacy is the phrase "failed to trust in Jesus." If a man jumps out of a plane and falls 10,000 feet to his death because he neglected to put on a parachute, he died primarily because he neglected the law of gravity. Had he put on a parachute he could have been saved from its unforgiving consequences, but again, he died because he ignored the law of gravity.

That's still idiotic, though less so. One cannot neglect, nor can one ignore, the law of gravity. That would be like neglecting the mass energy equivalence (e=mc2) or ignoring the second law of thermodynamics.


  1. And that is even before going over why moral laws do not equate to physical laws.

  2. i told him to go find a 7 month old to explain gravity to him- because 7 month olds have a greater understanding of gravity than that.

  3. i...

    anymore, i don't like to make fun of Ray - all the joy has been leeched out, as it became obvious that he is severely mentally disabled, and mocking him feels like kicking a paraplegic who has been kicked out of hir wheelchair.

    except that Ray has obviously been the one who pulled his own brains out of his own nose, and i remind myself that he did this to himself. if he could just shut the fuck up for a minute and quit attacking anyone who isn't exactly like him, he might stop being a total fucktard.

    which is a less likely scenario then me somehow being physically capable of kicking someone, let along being ethically capable, as HE is.

    total. fucktard.


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