Saturday, April 18, 2009

I Can Do It, But You Had Better STFU

homosexual, homophobia, day of silence, day of truth, glsen, adf, ufi, christian, christianity, religion, bible, god,
Bigots all over the US worked themselves into a tizzy over the Day of Silence, held April 17, in which students remain silent to protest the persecution of LGBT students.

And, in a move so stunningly hypocritical it just takes your breath away, April 28 is the student led Day of Truth, in which students persecute LGBT students, erm, express the Christian viewpoint on homosexual behavior. No, wait, I'm pretty sure I was right the first time.

Let's examine the criticism of the Day of Silence and see if it is any different from criticism that could be leveled at the Day of Truth.

Day of Silence: forces students to accept homosexuality as normal.
Day of Truth: forces students to accept certain types of Christianity as normal. Not all students are christian, and not all christians view homosexuality as sinful.

Day of Silence: could be disruptive to learning
Day of Truth: could be disruptive to learning

Day of Silence: promote[s] GLSEN’s socio-political goals and its controversial, unproven, and destructive theories on the nature and morality of homosexuality.
Day of Truth: promotes the Alliance Defense Fund's socio-political goals and its controversial, unproven, and destructive theories on the nature and morality of homosexuality.

Day of Silence: Parents must actively oppose this hijacking of the classroom for political purposes.
Day of Truth: Parents must actively oppose this hijacking of the classroom for political purposes.

There is absolutely nothing that could be said about the Day of Silence that can't be said about the Day of Truth. Basically, the message of the ADF, and other affiliated groups is, if you aren't us, shut the fuck up.

Sorry, bichez, but I'm guaranteed to disappoint on that one.


  1. I'd say yer wrong. You can say about the Day of Silence that it protests a threat that exists in reality: harassment.
    The Day of Hypocrisy protests a threat that only exists in disturbed minds: some agenda to force everyone to be gay..or something

  2. The Christian response to the Day of Silence has been hypocritical and shameful. They never cease to amaze me.

    Here is another good article by orDover:

  3. Amen! And isn't it just typical religious arrogance to claim a title like Day of Truth - as if there's only one truth out there, as if mine's the same as yours. Just like they've claimed Life in regards to pro-life. The right was ever good at thinking up pretty names for their bigotry.


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