Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sin is an alien that has no true rights.

religion, christian, christianity, atheism, atheist, democracy, theocracy, bible, god, jesus, judaism, muslim, pagan, heathen, crazy,
Sorry, Robert Lee at the Society for the Practical Establishment and Perpetuation of the TEN COMMANDMENTS has raised the bar for crazy with Things you should know*.

It sounds absolutely absurd for supreme court judges to vote on an issue. Either they are judges or voters. True judges judge, not vote. that is so awesome, it might be a Poe.

Never think you have the wrong book even if you pick up the Bible by mistake! well, if i want to find a phone number, i most certainly do have the wrong book.

What good is the poem,
What good is the rhythm and rhyme?
As long as they do not convey God's truths,
They are not worth a dime.

The industrial revolution in America helped greatly to destroy moral values in America. The factory system was developed not as a result of need, but from greed. Home employment employed everyone. But the factory, having destroyed home employment, cannot employ everyone. Thus unemployment was created by the industrial revolution. that's right, there was never, ever unemployment ever, in the world, prior to factories. because every single person was a farmer at all times. and soldiers never came home from war to find that there wasn't a job for them.

Who are heathens to comment on whether God exists or not; they don't know whether their own selves exist or not, or whether the life they live is truly real. um, yeah.

Every citizen of America has found cause to argue against democracy one way or the other, because it is not right for anyone. that would just be you. i'm fine with democracy.

I don't attend funerals. I've never attended one during my adult life. Whenever I am convinced that a person truly went to heaven, then you will see me at his funeral. that's right, nobody Mr. Lee has ever known, not a family member, nor a friend, has ever gone to heaven. heaven must be a very lonely place indeed.

One cannot have thoughts of a true GOD without actually thinking of the true God, because there is no true God other than the true God. In other words, one cannot imagine a true God without actually thinking of the true God. There are no imaginations of the true God apart from actually thinking of the true God. The true God is not a God of the imagination. and the award for circular reasoning par excelence goes to . . .

Those who would endeavor to properly straighten out the american society will have to forget about attending college or seminary and forget about a "degree", because once you have obtained a "degree," you will have become thoroughly incompetent and impotent to do anything truly worthwhile for america. ignorance isn't bliss, it's competance and erections!

Solomon quite obviously is not the one making judicial decisions in america. for quite a variety of reasons.

Middle-class blacks are foolishly frustrated that they still are, to some degree, prevented from serving satan as do whites. They will not be satisfied until they have the freedom to serve him equally. did i mention Mr. Lee is a racist?

Blacks have never understood how blessed it is to be outcasts in the american society. a really big racist.

It's LEGAL for boxers to break one anothers' noses, blacken one anothers' eyes, knock out teeth and try to give one another a final concussion which may result in death; but it's ILLEGAL to cock or dog fight. because humans have the mental capacity to choose this action, but birds and dogs do not.

Better is a dictator who rules every aspect of the lives of the people with true justice and righteousness, than a democracy wherein the people indulge in the evil and idolatrous freedom they desire. i wonder who Mr. Lee has in mind for the dictatorship?

All major news media in America is the main medium by which satan and his demons speak to the American public. The senators and congressmen are also the medium by which the people make their desires known unto satan, and one means by which satan answers their prayers. demons, demons, everywhere . . .

Demons cause more than one type of expression on the faces of the people whom they possess: There is the glassy-eyed look and stare of the epileptic; the feminine look in the male homosexual; the masculine look in the lesbian; the look of education and sophistication; the look of innocence and truth in the liar, etc... did I also mention Mr. Lee hates gays, epileptics and liberal elites?

Reading the Atlanta Journal and Constitution is seeing the world through the eyes of homosexuals.

America is the leading anti-Christian, anti-God, anti-Jesus Christ nation on earth. right ahead of Iran, well known for their love of jesus.

The musical "Beauty and the Beast" made by atheist homosexual heathens at Walt Disney is designed to subtly create tolerance in the foolish american society for BESTIALITY ! Mr. Lee isn't fond of Disney, either.

Has a person ever made you so angry you wished he was dead? Then why can't you feel and express that same fervency of anger towards true criminals such as atheists, pedophiles, homosexuals, murders, rapists and etc? It is likely that the people who made you so angry did not commit death worthy crimes in the society; but the people we have name have. What you should wish for these people is that the government put them to death. atheist=gay=pedophile=murder=rapist.

There is a time and season for every purpose under heaven. There was a time for blacks to fight for civil rights, but now it is time for them to fight against it as it pertains to gays. Mr. Lee isn't quite as racist as he is homophobic.

The corporeal Jews are looking for a "messiah" but they don't know where he will come from (John 7:27). Since the true Messiah, the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, came from heaven, but the Jews did not and do not believe in Him, and since Jesus is the only true Messiah, meaning that no other Messiah will come from heaven, then the messiah the heathen corporeal "jews" are looking for can only originate on cursed earth or descend out of hell. It is therefore plain to see who their messiah is. He is none other than the old serpent. is there a bigotry Mr. Lee does not embrace?

Every society will have groups that can be identified with prevailing social patterns and institutions. In america, such are the atheists and other pagans. But there are others who oppose and defy america's atheistic and pagan establishment. Yes, america has its critics and enemies. But the ever enduring group and most important are the few who are true Christians - rightly so. True Christians understand the heathenism of the american establishment and thus is unconvinced it is the best of all possible worlds. True Christians have serious reservations about america's morality and political philosophy. Don't worry my pagan readers, Mr. Lee didn't forget about you!

Americ! America! Please listen! Please do not let the likes of Ozzie Osburn get the victory and capitolize off you! Apparently, we were fighting Ozzy and I missed it!

I'm just going to stop here:

demo cracy ----- demo N cracy ----- DEMONCRACY. Now you know the origin of democracy. It is none other than SATANOCRACY

*found under the heading "Supporting Documents"!!1!!


  1. My god, that was almost perfect in it's sheer madness. It brought a tear to my eye.

  2. So, there was this time in Europe, especially in the British isles, when there was actually so much work to be done that EVERYONE was employed, especially on farms. There was lots of upward mobility because there were so many higher positions (including those in the Church) available.

    Which was fine, except for I'm talking about the time after the Black Death, when there was a ginormous gap between the actual population and the population needed to, like, produce food and stuff.

    So his whole "everything was teh awsum bafor da factoreez" idea is clearly just so spot-on.

  3. Exactly. Sure, there were times when the only unemployed people were people who didn't feel like working, but that's not the entirety of history.

  4. One cannot have thoughts of a true GOD without actually thinking of the true God, because there is no true God other than the true God. In other words, one cannot imagine a true God without actually thinking of the true God. There are no imaginations of the true God apart from actually thinking of the true God. The true God is not a God of the imagination.Wow. I honestly didn't think it was possible to make the Ontological Argument any dumber.

    This is brilliant in its stupidity.

    Sure, there were times when the only unemployed people were people who didn't feel like workingYes, but we can't all be lucky enough to live in post-Plague Europe or nomadic steppe and desert societies.

    I'm pretty sure that as long as there has been civilization there have been unemployed people. It's simply the nature of the beast.

  5. Magnificent mountains of fail there. It was amusing until I noticed the site is maintained by Robert T Lee AND SON.

    It has children. How horrifying.

  6. I am so glad to know that atheists are one of the leading causes of crime in the country. I am guessing that Pew Center research into criminals religious backgrounds at the time of their incarceration was wrong. Or better yet this Christian group is actually an evil atheist group in disguise.

  7. Jesus was a Semitic Jew...

    He was one of those evil middle easterners...

  8. even as a child, i couldn't figure out why jesus was always pictured as the perfect aryan. he must have looked a lot more like, say, sadam hussein. the jesus we all grew up with was basically thor without the cool armor.

  9. Kind of like how Himmler redefined 'Aryan' from the Farsi word for 'Iranian' to mean blond-haired and blue-eyed, and then decided that fine Teutonic specimens such as himself were descended from Atlantis via the Himalayas. He was a creative son of a bitch, if nothing else.

  10. What good is the poem,
    What good is the rhythm and rhyme?
    As long as they do not convey God's truths,
    They are not worth a dime.
    Total slam on poetry out of nowhere, there. Given his screed against education, I think he probably opened up a Norton Anthology to Gerard Manley Hopkins once and decided that if he couldn't understand it (ie it had anything more complex than a rudimentary meter and any subtlety at all), it was of Teh Debbil.

    Who are heathens to comment on whether God exists or not; they don't know whether their own selves exist or not, or whether the life they live is truly real.And this just sounds like he's been watching way too much Cowboy Bebop.


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