Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Ten Commandments

conservative, religion, christian, fundamentalism, democracy, ten commandments

Let's examine the Ten Commandments, shall we?

We'll start with the Society for the Practical Establishment and Perpetuation of the Ten Commandments (SFTPEAPOTTC for short). I'm not even sure what the name of the organization means. "Practical Establishment"? Aren't the Ten Commandments already established?

And, here's the big one, which Ten Commandments? There are three sets. No, really, three. Here, we'll go over them in case you need a refresher:


Protestant: Thou shalt have no other gods before me.
Catholic: I am the Lord thy God. Thou shalt not have strange gods before me.
Hebrew: I am the Lord they God, who brough thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of slavery.


Protestant: Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing this is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
Catholic: Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
Hebrew: Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing this is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.


Protestant: Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.
Catholic: Remember thou keep the Sabbath Day.
Hebrew: Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.


Protestant: Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.
Catholic: Honor thy Father and thy Mother.
Hebrew: Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.


Protestant: Honor thy Father and thy Mother.
Catholic: Thou shalt not kill
Hebrew: Honor thy Father and thy Mother


Protestant: Thou shalt not kill
Catholic: Thou shalt not commit adultery.
Hebrew: Thou shalt not kill


Protestant: Thou shalt not commit adultery
Catholic: Thou shalt not steal
Hebrew: Thou shalt not commit adultery


Protestant: Thou shalt not steal
Catholic: Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor
Hebrew: Thou shalt not steal


Protestant: Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor
Catholic: Thou shal not covet thy neighbor's wife
Hebrew: Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor


Protestant: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house or wife
Catholic: Thou shal not covet thy neighbor's goods
Hebrew: Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's house or wife

So, let's all follow the Ten Commandments, shall we? Just as soon as we can agree on what they are, that is.

Asshat is using the Hebrew version, which at least makes the most historical sense, as it was the ancient Israelites who wrote the Ten Commandments. Now let's see his suggestion for government, which is inexplicably accompanied by a picture of the Capitol Building. (We are still a representative democracy, in case you were wondering.)

Contrary to what is generally thought, no nation or people should be in the business of endeavoring to govern themselves. Yes, I know, in the bible, god was in the habit of actually hanging out with the Israelites (well, sort of, he more or less glowed above the Ark of the Covenant.), but he doesn't seem to be in the habit anymore, so who will be governing us? Any asshat who has a "personal relationship" with god, I suppose. Oh, that will work out well.

No people of any color of skin, of any tongue, of any nation, of any tribe, of any ancestry or of any generation has been or will ever be capable of properly governing themselves. All who have endeavored to perform such a momentous task have erred terribly; and all who shall seek to do so shall do the same. Care to show your work? We're governing ourselves in the US, and that affords you the right to say all these ridiculous things, so I think it's working out pretty well for you.

A diligent study and remembrance of history will not truthfully enable the present or future generations to properly govern themselves. Nor will any development of any manmade wisdom or any so-called technology enable a people to achieve the same.
why do people who hate science always use the internet (science!) to talk about how much they hate science? If you really hate science that much, go live with wolves. Seriously. Science is what allows your house to stay together. Science is what makes the lights go on when you flip the switch, and the water run when you turn the handle on the faucet. Science was involved in manufacturing your clothes and growning your food. So, if you really hate science that much, go live in the woods, naked, and forage for food. Just mail me the deed to your house and your car keys before you leave.

Here lies the fundamental reason for all the ills that exist in America (or any society). we're just not praying enough. if you pray enough, nothing bad ever happens to you. i dare this asshat to go find someone who's child just died of cancer and say this to their face. (not really, we shouldn't torment the grieving, but you get my point.) Despite what blind patriots and Bill of Rights quoters think, America has failed to legislate itself in strict accord to the moral laws of God. mmm-hmmm. and what about property transfers and drunk driving and copyright laws? what does god have to say about those? In fact, the first amendment to its manmade constitution reveals that America has always been forbidden from doing so. freedom of speech is bad! If the government of America would officially embrace the true moral laws of God, it would be espousing a particular "religion". which one are we picking? he's using the hebrew version, so I assume he wants us to all convert to judaism, posthaste? I somehow doubt that, but points for originality.

The following argument is awesome in its stupidity:

As a result, all of us have heard of and are even experiencing the curses that are resulting from America seeking to govern itself. Katrina? 9/11? I love people who blame the victim for their suffering. We have heard of and are experiencing its unfairness, inequities, injustices, its shortsightedness, biases and blindness; we see how its laws are so limited in scope and how they cannot cover every action a person can perform, and therefore we see the foolish loopholes of its imperfect laws and vain, endless efforts of legislators seeking to make laws;

yeah. first of all, no normal person can accurately predict what sick, twisted morons will do with their time. if you asked me to write the penal code from scratch 200 years ago, i doubt it would have occurred to me to say anything about pedophilia or necrophilia. it wouldn't occur to me that anyone would want to do that.

also, as technology advances and changes, new laws become necessary. after all, the founding fathers could hardly be blamed for not foreseeing the internet, or cars or planes, now could they? of course laws change with time. society changes with time. which bring me to my next point: as society changes, some laws become obsolete or even immoral. 200 years ago, slavery was okay, now it is not. the laws had to change. and that's a good thing.

we have seen how its laws cannot stand the test of time and how they must periodically be amended; see above we see how its laws foolishly vary from state to state on matters of morality i think he's talking about Teh Evul Gayz; we see the power of the rich and special interest groups who sway foolish legislators to their corners trust me, even in a theocracy, the rich will prevail; we have seen the utter backwardness of the ruling majority what?; we have seen the utter blindness and total depravity of presidents, legislators and judges i kinda do feel that way about bush, but i'm little surprised to hear it from this asshat. i guess he doesn't like either side.; and we have seen how America has attempted to govern itself out of whim or expediency. These are just a few indisputable witnesses which speak loudly to the fact that America is not capable of properly governing itself and it will never be capable. Every effort it makes amounts to nothing more than vanity

trust me, buddy, it's not perfect, but it's better than the alternative.


  1. Oh, God, this is so overwritten. I mean, "...should be in the business of endeavoring to..."? What's wrong with "should" or "can"? More words /= better!

    But overlooking the desperate need for an editor, the 10commie folk are also in need of a history or anthropology textbook.

    "No people ... has been ... capable of properly governing themselves."

    How on earth do they think the species has survived for the last several hundred thousand years? How do they explain the persistence of societies and cultures for hundreds, or even thousands of years? Social organization is one of the things we do best!

  2. i have noticed that the stupider someone is, the more words they need to express that stupidity.

    it just blows my mind that christians think that the ten commandments are in some way special. hell, all of the native peoples of north and south america had rules about murdering, lying and stealing well before the first bible ever hit this part of the world.

    and your right, social organization probably explains our place on the top of the food chain. compared to other predators, we're not strong or fast or particularly well armed, but we do come in large groups, which makes up for a lot.


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