Friday, March 20, 2009

Who Doesn't Love Some Vermont?

vermont, gay, marriage, tradition, homosexual,
Vermont's state Senate committee just unanimously passed a bill that moves Vermont one step closer to gay marriage!


And just so the bigots can't complain on freedom of religion grounds: The bill would exempt members of the clergy from performing same-sex marriages if their faiths forbid such unions, and would bar lawsuits prompted by such refusals.

Good thinking, Vermont.


  1. "The bill would exempt members of the clergy from performing same-sex marriages if their faiths forbid such unions, and would bar lawsuits prompted by such refusals."

    I really hope that other states that allow for gay marriage have similar measures. We do not have the right to force them to offer up their magical juju rituals up to people they don't think should receive them, and trying to do so actually means that they do have a legitimate reason to oppose gay marriage.

  2. I do think that was an ingenius addition to the bill. It automatically removes one huge argument against it- but I bet you won't see that in any of the hysterical complaints about it.


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